Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Daily SMB HL Disassembly Post #4

I'm not going to try and figure this out in too much detail. If someone else wants to delve into it a bit more, please do. It rotates the Offsets used for the Player, Enemy, Blocks, Bubbles and Fireballs.
As well it rotates the 9 offsets used by the Misc_SprDataOffset for use with various sprites like hammers and coins.

01 .proc SpriteShuffler 02 03 ldy AreaType ; load level type, likely residual code OP 04 mb temp_byte := # ( 10 * 4 ) ; sprite #10 05 ldx #$0e ; start at the end of OAM data offsets 06 07 repeat 08 09 if SprDataOffset[ x ] >= temp_byte ; the preset value if less, skip this part 10 11 ldy SprShuffleAmtOffset ; get current offset to preset value we want to add 12 mb a := a + SprShuffleAmt[ y ] ; get shuffle amount, add to current sprite offset 13 if carry set ; if exceeded $ff, do second add 14 mb a := a + temp_byte ; add preset value 40 to offset to skip first ten sprites again 15 endif 16 17 mb SprDataOffset[ x ] := a ; store new offset here or old one if 2nd add skipped 18 19 endif 20 21 until dex == negative ; move backwards to next one 22 23 mb x := SprShuffleAmtOffset + 1 24 if x = #3 25 ldx #$00 ; init to 0 -> cycles through 0 to 2 26 endif 27 28 stx SprShuffleAmtOffset 29 30 ldx #$08 ; load offsets for values and storage 31 ldy #$02 32 33 repeat ; y from 2 to 0, x = 8, 5, 2 34 35 mb a := SprDataOffset [ 5 + y ] ; 7, 6, 5 36 mb Misc_SprDataOffset [ x - 2 ] := a ; store first one unmodified, 6, 3, 0 37 mb Misc_SprDataOffset [ x - 1 ] := a + #$08 ; but add eight to the second, 7, 4, 1 38 mb Misc_SprDataOffset [ x ] := a + #$08 ; and eight more to the third one, 8, 5, 2 39 40 mb x := x - 3 41 42 until dey == negative 43 44 rts 45 46 .endproc

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